Chapter 6 Answer Key

6.6 Exercises

A. Exercises: Conditional Proofs. Prove the following arguments are valid. These will require conditional proofs.

  1. Premises: P, Q. Conclusion: (P→Q).
  2. Premises: (P→Q), (Q→R). Conclusion: (P→R)
  3. Premise: (P→Q), (S→R). Conclusion: ((~Q & ~R) → (~P & ~S).
  4. Premise: (P→Q). Conclusion: ((P & R) →Q)
  5. Premise: ((R&Q) → S), (~P→(R&Q)). Conclusion: (~S→P)
  6. Premise: (P→~Q). Conclusion: (Q→~P)
  7. Premises: (P→Q), (P→R). Conclusion: (P→(Q&R))
  8. Premises: (P→(Q→R)), Q. Conclusion: (P→R)

B. Exercises: Theorems. Prove the following theorems.

  1. (P→P)
  2. ((P→Q)→((R→P)→(R→Q)))
  3. ((P→(Q→R))→((P→Q)→(P→R))
  4. ((~P→Q) → (~Q→P))
  5. (((P→Q) & (P→R)) → (P→(Q&R)))

C. Exercises: Tautologies and Theorems. Make a truth table for each of the following complex sentences. Identify which are tautologies. Prove the tautologies.

  1. ((P→Q)→Q)
    P Q ((P Q) Q)
    T T T T T T T
    T F T F F T F
    F T F T T T T
    F F F T F F F
  2. (P→(P→Q))
    P Q ((P Q) P)
    T T T T T T T
    T F T F F T T
    F T F T T F F
    F F F T F F F
  3. (P→(Q→P))
    P Q ((P (Q P)
    T T T T T T T
    T F T T F T T
    F T F T T T F
    F F F T F F F

    Look at the main connective, conditional: on every row it is true, so it is a tautology. ((P → (Q → P) is, therefore, also a theorem, and provable from no premises.

  4. (P→~P)
    P (P ~ P)
    T T F F T
    F F T T F
  5. (P→~~P)
    P (P ~ ~ P)
    T T T T F T
    F F T F T F

    Look at the main connective, conditional: on every row it is true, so it is a tautology. (P → ~~P) is, therefore, also a theorem, and provable from no premises.


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